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Our Assessment


Personal, providing insight



Maximizing the chance of a good decision. At the core, this is the added value of our assessment programs. Whether it concerns the selection of new colleagues or the decision to invest in their development. A deepened insight is always helpful in making the right choices. The result is a maximum return on your investment. In this way we contribute to the success and development of your organization.

And for individual employees, an assessment program is the perfect moment to get their own questions answered: "what am I capable of? What do I want? And how do I get there?"

Providing insight into the talents and qualities, competences and motivations of people is the basis of every assessment. We achieve this through personal and respectful contact. Sometimes confronting and always creating confidence. These are the characteristics of our assessments. These are experienced by participants as meaningful encounters and lead to concise and effective advice.



Three perspectives


Assessment programs are often deployed from one of the perspectives below. We make sure your question is answered:

  1. Development assessment: what do I need to develop to become better at my job and how can I best do that? (person in the job is the starting point)

  2. Selection assessment: is there a sufficient match with a certain position and what more needs to be developed? (the job is the starting point)

  3. Potential assessment: where are my qualities and talents in particular and in which role or position do I best fulfill my needs? (person in the context of career)



Appearances of our assessments


  • Compact or Intensive

  • Professional, Management or Executive

  • In person and/or online


Prefer an assessment in the form of a 360 ° feedback trajectory


"Resilience and flexibility, while maintaining consistency, as a cornerstone in effective leadership, cooperation and influencing skills."

Evaluated with an average 8.3

what participants say

"The advice was very useful and pleasantly presented. The conclusion is sincere and substantively correct in my view."

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